Storytelling through photography
What is storytelling? I guess there can be many different definitions. Every photo has a story behind it. No matter the photo. There will always be words connected to a photo. It can be the feelings of the photographer. Of the subject. It can be words that don’t show in the photo itself. But something completely different and unrelated. It can be the scenery talking to you. It can be feelings. Whatever it is, every photo has a meaning. In this post I will be talking about storytelling through photography, and why I matters to me.
Storytelling through photography
I want my photography to stand out. I want it to mean something to people. To evoke emotions. I want to make people think. Make them stop what they are doing and think. Hopefully make them happy or even excited. Inspire them to take action. I always hope that I will be able to inspire people through my photos. To take chances.
The best way to do that, is through storytelling. Every photo has a story to tell. It might not tell you the same as it tells me. I have a special connection to my own photos obviously. I know what I felt in the moment when the shutter went off, and the photo showed on my LCD screen. You don’t know what I was thinking. And that’s why the photo is so important. It is like a tool. A tool that might help people get from one point to another. At least if the photo tells the right story.
The best way to tell our stories are through visually pleasing photos. The human mind is naturally drawn towards beauty, giving the photographer a variety of ways to affect the viewer. This can be done through composition, light and colors. These are tools that are in the photographers power to use, in order to evoke something in the viewer.
Storytelling through photography doesn’t have to involve people. Of course people in photos are very powerful subjects, and some of the most famous photos ever include people. Think of the photo of the Afghan girl taken by Steve McCurry. That picture tells a thousand stories. And that’s why it’s one of the most popular photos ever taken.
Storytelling through photography
A storytelling photo can also be of a beautiful landscape. Of an incredible morning where everything lined of perfectly, to create one stunning moment. However the photo doesn’t show all the moments that appeared before. All the thought that went on inside of the head of the photographer. If it would be another failure, like the day before. If the low clouds that covered the mountain would disappear in time for sunrise. If the clouds that blocked the suns path would break up.
To me, this is a story of relief. That everything lined up perfectly, even though moments before, it had seems unlikely. It is a story of natures power. Of the beauty of our world. Happiness. Fulfillment. Pride. There are so many stories for me, within this photo. But it won’t be the same for you.
For you it might be inspiration. A longing to visit the same location. Hope. For some it could even be negative thoughts. Of course, that’s something I never hope to awaken in people, but unfortunately there will always be some, trying to devalue your work. That’s how life is.
Storytelling through photography
This is one of my most important photos ever. Not because it is one of the best I have taken, I don’t think it is. But because of what this moment meant to me. This photo is a story of joy, of hundreds of emotions, friendship, memories. Of how perseverance is the best tool to overcome obstacles. Of believing in the moment, in yourself. In trying to find a way to accomplish the things you want.
However you won’t know this story, unless I tell it. Even people that don’t know the story will be able to connect something to the photo.
Storytelling through photography
A good storytelling photo can also be about a bond, friendship, love. That’s what this is. A bond between man and animal. In some ways, I believe that this photo can be cruel to some people. It is a story of how the eagle was talking away from its’ nest as a baby. Of how it grew up with the hunter, being taught to hunt. But it is also about their special bond.
Storytelling through photography appear everywhere. However it is up to the photographer, to show the story in the best way possible.