What do I look for when deciding on a new destination?
Social media is flooded with beautiful photos from around the world. Though many of them are from the same places, new and stunning locations constantly arise. For photographers, the world is our playground. There are amazing photos to be taken everywhere on earth. Though if you want to stand out, you have to be able to create new and exciting photos from “old” locations, or explore beyond what most people do.
So what do I look for when deciding on a new destination?
There are quite a few things. First of all, if I have an idea of visiting a certain country, I look at the countries within close proximity to it, and try to figure out what I can produce in these countries as well. Flying to just one location on the opposite side of the world, and then going back, would be too much money lost. I want to be able to travel further, after I’m done photographing the country.
When photographing a place that has been photographed thousands of times, I always make sure that I get the “normal” photos first. However after that, I try to look for compositions in which I can show the destination in a new way.
For example, just because the Taj Mahal has been photographed by millions, it doesn’t mean that I wont visit. There is a reason, that so many people go there. It is absolutely incredible. But how do I stand out? How do I create something new from there?
In my case, I waited for the perfect moment, that allowed me to use a group of locals, as a leading line, up to the stunning complex.
What do I look for when deciding on a new destination?
This photo is one of my most popular photos ever taken. The reason is that it is something different. Everybody has seen photos of the Taj Mahal, but few have seen a photo like this.
So how about Iceland? Every photographer and their friend want to go to Iceland. The reason is obvious, the country is absolutely incredible, and there are so many places to visit. But since every photographer goes to the same locations, how can you produce work that stands out?
I went to one of the most popular hiking spots in Iceland, Landmannalaugar. It seems that everyone comes here to take the same photos, and I was no different. When I first arrived, I headed to the most popular spot, and got my photo which I absolutely love. However afterwards I started exploring beyond the most visited places. I was able to do this, because I gave myself enough time. What I found was this incredible volcano crater that I had never seen before online. Now I’m sure that it has been photographed lots of times, but when I visited I had never seen photos from there before.
This is what I was able to capture.
What do I look for when deciding on a new destination?
So you see. When photographing popular destinations, it’s all about producing some unique, that will stand out. Something that will make people stop and think. The last example of this I’m gonna give is from the Dolomites. Everybody that has visited the Dolomites will probably have seen this place, without even realizing it, as they were too busy photographing something else.
What do I look for in a new destination?
This is along one of the most popular hikes in the Dolomites, Tre Cime di Lavaredo. When standing at the most popular spot, looking at the three peaks, this is the view you have to the left. Now its a vertical pano, that has been cropped a bit closer, but I have honestly never seen this spot online.
Photography is all about standing out, and creating something different.
So how do I actually find “new” locations?
I have rarely been visiting locations that I had never seen in advance online. That being said, it’s something I’m aiming to do much more within the coming year. However there are so many incredible locations that get no focus at all. Either because it takes a long hike to get there or maybe because people just focus on the same destinations.
I tend to look through Instagram, search on locations in the hashtag section. I use google a lot as well, to look at photos, read articles and so on. I also use google earth, to see how a location looks from above and try to scout out different viewpoints. There are a huge amount of resources online so I try to utilize them the best way possible.
Instagram is my go to platform though, and it is where I find most of the places I want to visit.
I did a hike in Peru, 1,5 years ago, among some of the most incredible scenery I have ever seen. It still is to this day. When I went there, I had only seen photos from one other photographer, doing this hike. The hike lasted 4 days, and took you to altitudes of above 5000 meters, however the vies were absolutely insane along the entire trek. I decided to go, and try to produce my own content from there.
Below is what I created. Except for the photo of the rainbow mountain I still find these photos to be unique, as I have seen very few photos of the places online.
These are absolutely incredible locations that very few people visit. Unique places. That’s one of the things I love about travel photography. That I’m able to visit these stunning locations, and show them to the world.
I look for places where I feel excited to be. Places with stunning natural beauty. With scenery that leaves me in awe. In fact it doesn’t really matter if the places has been visited millions of times or just a few times. As long as I’m able to feel connected to the place, and am able to create something beautiful from there.