8 reasons why I love India
India. I don’t even know where to begin. I still remember how I felt before my first visit. It seemed both daunting and exciting. I didn’t have a plan. Just knew that I wanted to explore as much as possible. It is said that you either love or hate your experience in India, there is no in between. I don’t know if that’s true. However, I know that I absolutely love it. It is without a doubt one of my favorite countries in the world. In this post I will give you 8 reasons why I love India.
8 reasons why I love India
The people
I have visited quite a few countries, and the people that stand out to me above all, are the Indians. They are extremely friendly and helpful, always greet you with a smile, and are happy to talk. I have visited few countries where it was this easy to start a conversation with a local. If you have a question they are always there to answer. Also, I have never taken as many selfies in my entire life. The people in India are really kin, and that’s one of the reasons why I love India.
The food
I knew before leaving for India, that I liked Indian food. However, upon my arrival, it was completely different. I honestly fell in love with it. There is so much diversity in their food, so many different taste buds being activated at each mouthful. Indians really know how to cook. The food is unique, and I have never experienced anything like it. You will have completely different food in different regions, but everything I had was extremely good. The food in itself is a reason to visit India!
The diversity
The diversity in India is incredible. Not just diversity in food, but in everything. Landscapes, cities, cultures. Every time you visit a new place in India, it feels like a completely different country. The north feels completely different to the south. In a days train travel, you can be in an entirely different world. And that’s what I love about India. It feels like a different world. It’s a real travel experience.
8 reasons why I love India
The landscapes
The landscapes of India are often overlooked, perhaps due to its mountainous neighbors. There are so many different kind of landscapes in India, and there is definitely something for everyone. Up north you have Ladakh, where the majestic mountains soar above the cities below. It is home to beautiful lakes, open planes and deserts. A bit further south, Spiti Valley has its home, where impeccable mountains rise into the sky. Further south again, Uttarakhand is home to one of the most beautiful states in all of India. Home to mountains, different colored rivers and monuments.
Traveling all the way down south, you have Kerala, home to tea plantations and back rivers, surrounded by beautiful greens. The landscapes are definitely one of the reasons why I love India.
The prices
Being a tourist in India, it is said that you can live as cheap or as expensive as you want. That is very much the case. You can find hostels costing as little as 1,5 euro per night, and hotels costing more than 500 euros. The same goes with the food. You can eat street food, side by side with the locals. Or you can eat in expensive restaurants. When it comes to transportation, you can travel in the same class as the locals, or travel first class. India really is as cheap as you want it to be.
8 reasons why I love India
Photographic opportunities
India is honestly filled with photographic opportunities. Everywhere you go, there is a picture waiting to be taken. It can be the old city of Delhi, the harbor in Mumbai or the slopes of the mountains in Ladakh. India is so extremely photogenic, that you will most likely come home with filled memory cards of beautiful moments. I love just wandering around the cities, and capture everything I find interesting.
Train travel
I honestly love traveling by train in India! And though it can be frustrating at times, there is constantly so much going on. Trains in India are one of the best ways to just sit and observe people. You will without a doubt strike up conversations with a few strangers, simply because they are interested in your stories. You will pass beautiful scenery, drink chai with the locals and simply sit and observe life passing by. Train travel is one of the reasons why I love India - it is the most beautiful from of travel in this magnificent country.
There is always something happening
This is something you will learn as soon as you leave the airport. Everywhere you look, there is something going on. Sounds and movement everywhere around you. It is truly interesting to observe. I have never experienced a quiet moment in an Indian city. But it is one of the reasons I love this country. People are always seeking opportunity, and trying to make something happen. They don’t sit down and wait for life to play out the way they want. They take action.
Here you have it. My list of 8 reasons why I love India. I hope you like it.